7 Types of Thin Films (Coatings) Used in Optical Lenses.
When coating an optical lens, the design of the coating as well as the lens will change depending on the various product applications. Let’s take a look at some of the typical coatings used...
What is an Aspherical Lens? About its Features and Benefits
An aspherical lens is a lens whose lens surface is not spherical. By using lenses with aspherical surfaces, which offer a high degree of freedom in design, it becomes possible to reduce aberrations that could not be fully corrected with spherical lenses alone. In this...
Resin Material Trends and Selection Points
In recent years, as various products have become lighter, thinner, and smaller, the optical system itself has been required to meet the same requirements as the product itself. TOYOTEC , which operates Optical Manufacturing Design Navigator, processes both glass...
Case Studies : Reducing customer man-hours by evaluating optical lens units on behalf of the customer
Among the industries in which TOYOTEC provides optical lenses and lens units are “sensors” and “robot cameras (machine vision)”. We have continuously received inquiries and requests for problem solving from these industries in the current trend of...
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