All About Optical Systems and Lens Technologies

Infrared LED Projection Spot Performance Evaluation Machine

Detail Information

Application:AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle)
Part/Product:Specialized Evaluation Machine
Industry:Logistics Warehouse
Dimension:Based on Customer Request
Function:Spot position and size of the LED irradiation
Delivery Timeline:3~4Months

This is a specialized machine to evaluate the performance of lens modules for infrared LED projection used in collision prevention sensors in AGVs (Automatic Guided Vehicles).

The customer, who had no knowledge of the optical unit, was looking for a supplier who could provide them with a mechanism design as well, and they turned to us. They also wanted to reduce costs by procuring parts in Asia, and TOYOTEC’s presence in Asia was one of the reasons for consulting us. >>Lens Unit For AGV Anti-Collision Sensors

Through utilization of our optical and mechanical design capabilities and manufacturing know-how, our customers thought that we could create a better evaluation method, and so we did. We designed and built a special evaluation machine with functions similar to those of the actual machine.As a result, we were able to meet the customer’s evaluation criteria for spot position and size in the irradiated area as required.

Our experience in manufacturing a wide variety of optical products allows us to understand the function and performance of our customers’ product. Therefore, we can not only measure the components themselves, but we can design and produce our own dedicated evaluation machines to evaluate the performance of components. These efforts are appreciated by customers in a variety of industries.

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